Alas, poor Cica... what a bone-shaker-skin-freezer awakening!!! It all happened few days ago, but Cica has found just now the inner force to contact me to tell her miserable tale!! In her own words... "I was...ehmm...sleeping, uh? I was just regeneratin' myself after my last super-meal and... in my drowsy, I keep hearin' som'thin' like: -Hmm...I think it's too fat...I think she's eating more than a dozen SanBernardo...- and another voice replyin' more or less: -Hmm! I think not! After all she burns a helluva lot of energy eating, ehmm!! So she's not fat...just perfectly round!!-Soon the voices in my head kept arguing more 'n' more: -She's fat!- - No, she's round!- - I tell you she resembles a puppy-walrus!!- - No, she's just fur and bones!!- ...and here, after these last words... I began to worry 'bout myself!!!... To make a long story short, my human pet decided to shave me off my fluent fur just to see if I was fat or not!!! Snàrrlll!!! I think I'll piss over her empty head just to see if something grows over that "No-intelligent-life-here,-Spock,-beam-me- up!" brainless skull!!!" This moving tale made me willing of bite ev'rythin' in sight... so I compelled my deranged human pet to make a suppletive pissy-business just to kick some tails out there and meditate some answers to give my Cica! Kickable tails I found none...but answers, those I found a lot!! So, first thing, I reassured Cica her fur shall be soon regrown in all her beauty, and then I told her to be patient, wait for the first time her deranged human makes her comeback home from the human coiffeur and then... jump on her head and scramble her expensive hair-do till she cries!!! It's a proved umbosoming-therapy that always works!! All in all, the human pet can only react yellin' 'n' posponin' yer meal-time but... for how long? In less than a few hours, she's just there, guilt-driven, caressin' and givin' you more food than yesterday!!! And, top of it all, she finally can see that you're absolutely fat-free!! You know what? Cica is now under training to jump higher 'n' higher... and she's eatin' more and better!! Her human pet, after Cica "hair-do destruction from the high" assault, enrolled her in a Gym center where she's met some iron-pumped dog to have some good time with!! And now, full of energy, she almost sleeps no more!! Ah! Another emergency case well resolved!! Awwwright! Aloooouuha and remember: if ya can't avoid the shavin'... make 'em pay in pain!!