Ahh... Mr.Mukkatron... Another of my particular case... Let me tell you! One day this guy meets me and, on his knees, prays me to teach him how to be a gentleman while partying with the animals! You know I work for you pets ev'rywhere, not for humans... but I couldn't resist to the shiny-egg-headed guy... or his "I'm as far out as the Enterprise could be when Kirk 'n' Sulu smoke the Spock's pyjamas and lose their spaceway!" attitude! So, short story, I start with the basic lesson: the gentle approach! As you can see on the photo, we're on a looooong trip here... but I'll be patient... till he pays me... and till I can bite him for fun and karmic recalibration!... Wòw, it's saturday night! I'm off to start a four-legs-only party! If you need my enlightment write a comment here, or wait till monday! So... bye and BARK LOUD!!!

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