Wawùff!! I know... Iknow... it's been a loooong time since my last writin' about my cases here... but, ehy!, I'm a busy dog and in my last months I've been really "chain-working"!! I'll talk ya about it all later... I've been cat-sitting Miù, my feline partner in crime, and always watchin' my deranged human pet's life... Our last interview didn't heal all his wounds, believe me... but that's another story!! Truly here I am for an ad of Social Advice 'bout alcoholism (yeah! I admit it!! I've stormed some pubs last months and the Sheriff and the Judge told me: "The Ad or the Jail, your choice, bitch!!" so I opted for this ad, by the soul of old Jack up there!!)... The dog in the clip goes by the name of Waldo.. I've known him during one of my nights-out-for-fun" but I ran faster than him when the cops came to destroy the party (They caught me some nights later, and just because I didn't want to leave an entire bottle of Southern on the bar! Memo: never run with a bottle with the top open in your mouth, never!!)... So, back to Waldo... he's a heavy, heavy drinker: name whatever "soul-warmer" and he drank it!!! The little bastard barrel-dog is more capable of a camel, incredible, uh?? Now... ya can believe it or not, but he's a consumate porn actor... he's famous under the name of Waldo Caldo, true!! All in all, Waldo was compelled to use his fame to make these ads in repair of his bad habits and so here we are:he poses for the ads and I must put 'em on my blog and in my work-place!! So... what can I say, now? Don't drink too much? Hmm... nàhh... let's put it out this way: don't drink like my deranged human pet, right? Well... paid my dues... now I'm back at work... and till the next time: alooooooooouuuuuuuhaaa!!!
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